Dog Care

Here at Carn Vet Clinic we see over a thousand dogs and puppies every year. We offer advice, diagnosis, treatment and preventative care to keep your dogs safe and healthy. Check out our full range of services for puppies and dogs below.

In the meantime, here are 5 simple tips on general dog healthcare:

  • Every dog needs clean water, a good quality dog food and regular exercise.
  • Dogs love to run and play and this will keep him happy and healthy! Ideally you should take your dog on at least one long walk of over an hour every day and give him a few more short outings throughout the day.
  • Your dog also needs yearly vaccinations and checkups, regular parasite treatment, and ideally should be neutered.
  • Depending on the coat type of your dog, he will at least need regular brushing to remove old hair. Bathing can be done but don’t overdo it! Every few months is enough. Long-haired dogs usually need to get groomed to get their coat clipped according to breed standards.
  • You should also regularly check your dog’s teeth and ears to see if they are clean. Any cleaning beyond a quick clean by hand or with a cloth is a vet’s job!
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